CRM 3303

by Dmytro Moskalenko



"CRM 3303" is a chain for internal control of robots of the company "Sushi 3303". In order to find out all aspects of the working process at once by the specialists of the skin shedding. Have a supplement є brown and handy functions for productive work.Kozhen s pratsіvnikіv you can know the main materials, the list of your goiters yazan and іnshe. There is also a manual function of supporting the arrival and departure of robots from the work mission.The module of the warehouse area is to lay down the robot for the chefs and the managers. Smell with ease you can carry out an inventory or put it on the field.An easy-to-use interface for skin people, a yak will be koristuvatisya cim dodatkom.Zabatazh dodatok that be part of our command!